We would like to request a workshop with you, how do we do that?
Just send an email to s4u@systemli.org. It’s best if you include which workshop you want, who you are and how many people you expect to attend the workshop. Please also let us know whether you want to do the workshop online or in person. If you use email encryption, check out our PGP key.
We would like to request a workshop with you, how much does it cost?
All our workshops are free of charge. That means you don’t have to mention money at all. However, if your group has money available for this purpose, we are also happy about donations. Check out our page on donations.
How do you finance the workshops, if we don’t pay anything?
We finance ourselves from project funding applications to various foundations. Therefore, we don’t always have money, or sometimes we only have money for a certain target group/project – but most of the time we have money for workshops, just send us a mail 😉
Who are you folks anyway?
We are a crew of four people organizing Skills for Utopia, see [link] The workshops aren’t primarily given by us, but by our network of about 30 trainers. We mainly take care of the logistics, funding and organisation, but give workshops ourselves now and then.
Where are you?
The organising crew is based in Berlin, but our trainers are from all over Germany. I.e. you are welcome to request workshops outside of Berlin as well. Then the speakers will either come to you or the workshop will take place online.
Who are you trying to reach?
We are aimed at left-wing grassroots groups and networks. If you are are activist, then please contact us! Larger NGO’s as well as companies or groups that have no left-wing connection are not our target group.
How can I stay up to date on your news?
Via our newsletter! Just send an empty mail to: s4u-newsletter-subscribe@lists.riseup.net. Otherwise we also have twitter and recently instagram: @skillsforutopia.
What else can I contact you for?
- If you would like to join our organisational crew! We are always looking for people who want to join us (on an unpaid basis)
- If you give workshops and believe they are missing in our current pool
- If you or your group would like to start a similar project to Skills for Utopia, we are happy to help
- If you are part of a group that also does educational activism and would like to connect with us
- If you belong to a group that would like a workshop on a topic not currently in our pool (we might know someone else who can give the workshop)
- We are currently working on making our workshops more accessible. If you notice something on our website or our workshops that we could improve, we are always grateful for feedback!