A weekend of workshops and networking, reflection and action! Organized by Skills for Utopia and Zucker im Tank, with additional workshops by DW Enteignen and the Antira Support Groups Network. Participation is free, as always with us.
Just let us know at s4u@systemli.org which workshops you would like to attend. Also let us know if you need a place to stay, if you have allergies or food intolerances, or if there is anything else you need in order to participate well.
17:30 – 20:00 Workshops (for workshop description click on arrows)
09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 – 13:30 Workshops (for workshop description click on the arrows)
13:30 – 15:30 Lunch
15:30 – 19:00 Open Space: reflection, skillshares, exchanges (DE/EN)
19:00 – Open End Dinner & Hanging out
09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 – 13:30 Workshops (for workshop descriptions click on arrows)
13:30 – 15:30 Lunch
Open Space
For Saturday afternoon we have planned an open space session. That means: You determine the topics & the content. No matter if you want to organize an exchange, a skillshare or a reflection session – you decide on the content and the framework, we provide the rooms.
Our autumn skillshare 2023 will take place in the seminar house of Inwole. This is at Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 164 in Potsdam, with the S-Bahn station Griebnitzsee very close by. There is also the possibility to stay overnight there.
The location is accessible via the S-Bahn stations Griebnitzsee (on foot / in a wheelchair) and Babelsberg (by streetcar or on foot / in a wheelchair). Both stations have elevators and guidance systems for the blind. There are no guide systems for the blind leading to the location itself. Assistance would be needed here, but after prior notification we would organize a pick-up service here.
In the location itself there is no guidance system for blind people, but we would support here as well. One workshop room as well as the bar is accessible by ramp and without assistance by wheelchair. Another workshop room is not accessible by wheelchair due to the stairs. The building of a last workshop room is accessible by ramp and only with outside help, because the associated staircase is very steep. Here we would assist with access. The workshop room as well as the bathrooms, kitchen and overnight rooms within the house are again accessible without outside assistance.
The events will be held in German, except for the “Counter-Power Propositions” workshop on Sunday. If you wish to attend but need assistance understanding German, we will try to organize whisper translations. As this depends on local volunteers, we cannot guarantee it for all slots.
There will be food for donation! Saturday at noon & evening and Sunday at noon. So please bring your own breakfast.
Please let us know in advance if you need a place to sleep for the weekend, and if so, for how many nights (Fri-Sat or Fri-Sun). We will rent dormitories depending on your needs.